
  • Who needs scrambled eggs when you can have scrambled thoughts?

    (Random update)
    (& just kidding, I love eating scrambled eggs :) , even with scrambled thoughts).

    –The mail room smells wonderful; didn’t get any mail though :[
    --My mail-box is terrible.  It is too tall for me, so I have to tip toe to try to see the numbers when turning the lock/combination thing.  Can they offer a booster for shorties please?  :'(
    --Got hit by the door on the way out of the mail room (tired? or maybe just pathetic) o_x

    --Was productive again tonight, updating the UGRB website, finally, though I'm still waiting on a lot of information before I can seriously update it.  
    --Was in the library for a few hours; until they put some message on loop.  The library is now open 24/5.  (I think minus weekends?).  But that's actually a lie.  Only the first floor is open 24/5.  So the message telling us to relocate was on loop and it was loud and annoying.  Meh.  And there's not very much space on the first floor to work, so I decided to leave.  Now I'm being unproductive.  Eh.
    --Dumb decision of the day: drank coffee on semi-empty stomach (had a double chocolaty chip frap before that).  Heh.  My stomach was sort of noisy in the library.  Didn't help that it was quiet in there for once.  Fortunately I chose a semi-empty/cozy corner. :)
      --The cubicle thing I was in was one I had sat in before!  It has [ir]religious graffiti on it (people scribbling back and forth about God/lack thereof.  I think that’s the third time I’ve ended up at that booth, which is weird because it seems like the booth/cubicle is being shifted around then?  It was weird to look at since someone drew eyes that stared at me, and devil horns.  Fortunately I opened my computer so I couldn’t see it anymore.
      –It’s kinda weird to see religious/non debates when I’m still in the process of thinking this stuff through.  But I’m taking it slowly/easily.  I like reading some of the stuff in the book of Proverbs :) , regardless of faith, wisdom can still be found:

    “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way” Proverbs 19:2


    –Failed the first o-chem quiz of the semester!  Ugh not again!!  Yay…(FML).  Exam in less than a week.  FML!!!!!!

    On the brightside, some things are working in my favor:
    –My group for sea kayaking meets next week instead of this week
      –I have a Red Cross mtg tomorrow, so that means I can actually go there early to help set-up etc.!
      –Personal reasons O_o (would be classified TMI)
    –My First-Aid group is going tomorrow
      –That means I don’t have to go to class on Monday –> I can have more free time Monday to cram for o-chem exam!!

    –I love my astronomy class!!  And Excel! :)   We made model planets to scale and had to walk across school to try to make the distance to scale too.  Well, we didn’t have ways to measure other than with a 1-ft ruler, so we decided to just approximate everything.  I didn’t realize how tiny Mercury was, relative to Earth; and everything is so far away!!  The stuff I learn in class just blows my mind.  I mean a lot of it isn’t new, but I can’t help feeling really small [and insignifcant..].  I think that the existence of other life in other solar systems (or whatever) is definitely plausible, given the magnitude of the universe, but I guess I never thought about the amount of time it would take to reach those places.  Thus, the chances of us meeting those “aliens” are pretty slim.  That could be good or bad (if you read “A Wrinkle in Time” you might be like me and actually think some of them would be really nice/nurturing/pleasant to meet :) ).  In a way, though life is teeming on Earth, it is kind of a lonely existence.
      –BTW, there is this AWESOME program called “Stellarium“.  It is free to download and pretty much shows you real time information about where there stars are at your specific location (if you give it your coordinates or type in the city you’re in), and gives you information about specific planets or stars, constellations, etc.!  :)  
        –Couldn’t help but to think, if I end up not getting married/and/or having kids, then maybe I’ll spend a bunch of my money to buy an awesome projector or a few, and project images from that program or something like that.  Like a miniature personal planetarium or whatever they’re called.  (:  I guess kids might like that too though, so maybe even if I do end up hitting up that path…

    Future = ?????????

      –With my extra model magic, I made a few things:


      –Someone has been watching me type; it’s been really awkward:


    (Lol.  And you can see me cheating with time right?  So I write my entry on Notepad so it doesn’t subtract from my 30 minutes of Xanga?)  When I was little dolphins were my favorite of animals for a while.  One of the first clay sculptures/things I made was actually a dolphin.  It’s snout/nose didn’t survive the kiln, so it might’ve been thrown away (it’s tail and flippers probably didn’t either…so I probably just had a grey barrel, lol.  Fail!).

    –Been not as good about keeping up with Xanga lately because I’ve been busy/stressed & slightly bummed (thinking too much, you know?). Been catching up in spurts, or trying to!
    –I think I’m going to delete some of the “Friend”s on Xanga who I don’t interact with but post a lot a lot.  Not trying to be hostile, just trying to shower more attention on my real Xanga-friends :) …less spamsie stuffs.

  • I am pretty happy right now!

    -I finally got to hear the lecture I’ve been waiting to hear about since last year!  I am stoked!  A professor here does diving in ANTARCTICA (!!) to find chemicals that may have pharmaceutical functions.  It was quite interesting; he didn’t dip much into chemistry, probably because then a fraction of the audience might not understand.  @_@ it’s easy with chemistry to make things complicated.  He showed us pictures and all, it was quite fascinating.  One thing that made me laugh was how he was talking about how for there was one type of algae that was studied that had proteins that could be extracted to help fight influenza.  Well, apparently some nutraceutical company found a related algae plant from South America rather than from Antarctica that had the same influenza fighting properties, and made some pills for it.  Well, the company failed to include the protein that actually was noted to have influenza fighting effects.  So, yay for some expensive pills that won’t work (maybe placebo).  O_~
    Sea butterfly and amphipod. 

    -I received this in my e-mail today:


    I can imagine my little brother to be exponentially more happy since it is shipping home, not to my college address.  But then again, I bought the book for him, not for me, so even more reason for him to be happy.  But I’m not calling or forwarding this e-mail to him so that he’ll have the excitement of checking the door every day for a package.  It’s always exciting to be expecting mail!  Which leads me to…

    -I bought stamps today, finally.  I’ve been meaning to for a while, but just haven’t gotten around to it.  Unfortunately they didn’t have any collection-worthy designs, only the Forever Stamp; but I suppose that is the most pragmatic kind anyways.  I’ve collected more than enough stamps.  (Heh; but they’re AWESOME to look at!  Seriously!).  I don’t think I can write again until after Monday, courtesy of Physiology, Orgo, AND Latin exams that are upcoming.  O_O

    -I donated blood again finally, unfortunately it left my finger unusually bruised, which I forgot when I was picking up a container of cooked pasta.  (eyes watered *_*).  Today my blood had a much better flow (last time was a fail since my blood clotted too quickly –> dehydrated?; the time before, it was so slow and was from a side vessel that they guy had to hold and rotate the needle constantly O_O).  I was a little dismayed because usually they give me a warning (“this might pinch a little”) before yanking out the needle, but the lady didn’t do so (mild surprise?). 

    -It was such a busy day (chem discussion –> lab [oh fail! lol, jk!] –> dorm/change –> donate blood –> UGRB mtg –> lecture!), but because of donating blood I couldn’t afford to forget dinner again!  So I’ve replenished myself with the same thing I’ve eaten for maybe three days already.  Bowtie pasta (my fav!) + pesto sauce + olive oil + bacon bits!  I eat the same thing for lunch everyday too: Chik-fil-a sandwich, minus pickles.  Almost everyday.  Not sure what happens when I get tired of it…I haven’t had dinner so late yet this year! O_O!

    -For sitting in on a two minute spiel about Windows 7, I received a $10 card to fye.com, so I just bought MOAR MUSIC! :) :) :) !  The newer Matt Costa CD and the old Augustana.  Not sure why I chose those two, but I’m pretty excited about that. :D !  Windows 7 sounds kinda cool…

    -Happiness is carrying over from yesterday’s favicon discovery.  Little things make me happy :].  A lot of little things.

    -I found that I am more focused when I study with classical music; it evokes happy memories from childhood, and the only singing it makes me want to do is warbling opera (Mozart! Though I don’t know any Italian or whatever it is in O_O).  I will spare my roommates though, and save that for when I am driving home next week or whenever.


  • (Rambling update)

    Today I went to the library in the morning to work on my lab report for physiology.  Which reminds me why I almost never go to our library.
    –The lighting in most areas makes me dizzy since it is usually fairly dim
    –I was attacked by ants–on the fifth floor
    –There really weren’t that many sources I couldn’t find online instead.  Though there is a certain feeling that comes with using really books (you know, a romantic good ol’-days feeling?)…
    –When I have been there, people on their phones sometimes disturbed me (it is bad, but a lot of the times I can’t help eavesdropping o_o); so naturally when I got a call today I panicked, because I didn’t want to be a nuisance, but at the same time I didn’t want to pack all my stuff to get a call (otherwise my stuff might be stolen >_>).  Panicked is an overstatement, but I can’t think of a word right now.

    In my own room I have the luxury of playing my music aloud and occasionally singing; food without ant problems (so far, anyways), good lighting, etc.  But there are distractions everywhere that often wipe my mind from the task I had at hand. 

    Yesterday I went to Walgreens and when I was checking out, I handed the cashier the Weekly Ad so they could reuse it.  He said that he didn’t need it, and I could just keep it, so I set it down (to pay) and told him I’d just put it back where I got it from myself.  After paying and the cashier trying to elicit some facial expressions from me (he pretended to break one of my items, just to see if I’d make a sad face or something), I picked up the Ad and put it back.  He seemed really surprised and said he was betting with himself that I would have forgotten.

    I’m usually really good about keeping my word; I do what I say I will do, or if not I’ll warn ahead of time or I’ll [try to] make amends.  I would never want to be associated as the type of person who just blah-blahs and says they’ll do things and not do them.  >_> I try hard to be reliable because it helps establish a sense of trust–for other people, but also for myself.  I establish myself as a person who is approximately the same inside and out, though I can’t say I am constant.  I am constant in belief, but in behavior I take on something similar to the chameleon effect.  If I find the person to be talkative, I’m a good listener; quiet, I talk a little more (try to lessen awkwardness; though a lot of times silence is also quite comfortable).

    I am also very transparent.  A lot of the things I think or feel are often manifested in my facial expression or how I might respond verbally (tone/inflection/hesitance).  It is rare that I say anything that I don’t mean, and when I do it generally pertains to things that I don’t think matter that much anyways, or is rather sensitive to personal opinion (i.e. fashion, not saying I don’t care, it’s just since everyone’s styles differ, we’re entitled to different opinions, and I wouldn’t want to suppress/sway someone’s true opinion; it’s not like it harms anyone [?]).  So essentially I never mislead intentionally (I just try to be evasive!), and so whatever someone sees or hears from me is generally what I think/feel, no over-analysis necessary.

    That was actually one of the major problems I had with my ex.  There were some things that he would want me to semi-psychoanalyze about him, when I’d rather him just tell me outright.  A lot of times I over think things and it induces a lot of stress.    So it isn’t that I’m dense and don’t like to think, it’s just that it could reduce my stress by just being clear. 

    Today I went to a BBQ, but I’d rather write (details) about that later.  It was for women interested in surgery, and it made me quite excited.  I have a long, long road ahead of me; not even close!  But there are things that I have to keep in mind and not let my troubles cloud my vision.

    Sometimes I feel like I allow school to turn off the curiosity and excitement of learning.  Instead, because of all the stress of deadlines and homework, I end of associating the stuff I learn with STRESS, STRESS, & STRESS.  If only we could slow down and learn these things at a leisurely pace.  And also taking things so seriously also takes out some of the fun.  =


[space holder]
