
  • Dumb moment

    So the other day I saw a sheet of paper that I knew I would be needing, though not quite yet (notes about lab, so I could write my pre-lab).  So I decided I should put it away so that I don’t lose it while going about with my papers flying about everywhere on my regular school days; plus it’d lighten my load, since you know one sheet of paper weighs so much!  What I didn’t notice was that there were actually two pages, so I left the other sheet with the rest of my note papers…

    Today, I decided to start working on my pre-lab–after all it’s due tomorrow!  (Technically today since it is past 12 now).  But that’s besides the point.  I had this vague idea that I had moved the paper to prevent myself from losing it.  So I assume I left it on my desk and pretty much panic since I couldn’t find it anywhere on or in my desk.  I was super frustrated, but of course laughing on the inside at the irony of the situation.  How I fail at life sometimes!!  The funny part I guess was that the second page of notes that I had left in my folder was still in place, definitely not lost.  But the one I did try to safe keep…Anyways, I scrambled around everywhere, digging through old papers left over from last semester, and pretty much ransacking my whole room, even my bed, since I’ve been studying there a lot (maybe it fell through the cracks?).  Right when I gave up and decided to just start my pre-lab without my notes, I look across my room and see it stuck to my dry erase board with magnets.  Well, I saw the ornate decorations on the side, since lab-lecture isn’t all that exciting:


    (Crappy picture, but that’s because I’m in a rush/need to start my pre-lab..dandelions, elephants within boa constrictor, cat drawing fails, oh yeah, and chemistry!)
    So I laughed and decided I should write about it.

    But I guess that situation could be applied to other things in life.  Don’t always find things that you’re looking for until you aren’t looking for it anymore.  Or take a breather from time to time…or whatever. 

    On another silly note, today at lunch I was commenting about being a “bad student” since I haven’t been feeling like studying for my Cell Bio class since the chapters we’ve been doing are review and rather boring.  But my friends both misheard me and thought I said something about being a “bastard”.  Later on other things were misheard, but not by me, lol.  Buoy…

  • Textbook

    The some words from the song “Textbook” by We Are Scientists reminds me a little of this xkcd (as everything in life can somehow be referred back to xkcd? It’s weird…).

    Another textbook situation

    Everything I think I know I’ve read

    I promise I don’t approach that sort of thing with calculus or any sort of math.  Though maybe a little with science.  Half kiddin’!

    I think I’ve posted this before, but it’s one of my all time favorites:

    Thanksgivings is around the corner, and then oh my! Christmas, and who knows what might be found under that tree…like “Organic Chemistry for Dummies”?

[space holder]
